Our Story

Velvette - Jenny and Joyce
My sister Jenny struggled with the most reactive, acne-prone, and sensitive skin. She jumped from product to product — Nothing worked!

I was determined to find a solution for her. While working as a Chemical Engineer, I studied to become a certified Cosmetic Chemist. During my studies, I was in awe of what natural ingredients were able to do for our skin.

Balancing my full-time job, I dedicated my nights and weekends to researching different ingredient combinations. Countless hours and endless experimentation consumed our days. Jenny endured it all as we navigated through over 200 unique plant oils, narrowing them down to just 20 top performers. We deliberated over every percentage, meticulously refining and tweaking each formula until we achieved perfection.

From this arduous process emerged 8 carefully crafted oil blends tailored to address specific skin concerns: Clarifying, calming, anti-aging face oils, a body oil, and a hair oil.

And success — Jenny's skin loved it! Gone were the days of irritation and discomfort. Her new skin radiated with newfound health and vitality. It was glowing, plump, and radiant. The oil blends, which were all-natural, clean, and packed with nutrients, acted as a protective shield to lock in moisture. Despite being oils, they absorbed in seconds and didn't leave the skin sticky or greasy.

Nearly seven years since we launched, we have transformed the skin of thousands of customers who can’t live without our oils!